Warspeed 5 -- priors and models continued
Exploring vaccine effectiveness through bayesian regression -- Part 4
Warpspeed vaccine vindication and an homage -- Part 3
Warpspeed confidence what is credible? -- Part 2
Warpspeed confidence -- what is credible?
Displaying increasing U.S. eligible voter diversity with a slopegraph in R
Understanding COVID19 in Connecticut. It takes a town
Updating to 4.0.0 on MacOS
Analyzing churn with chaid
I didn't mean() to ignore the median()
Plotting Bayes Factors for multiple comparisons using ggsignif
Plotting Bayes Factors for multiple comparisons using ggsignif
Pairwise Bayesian Comparisons - even faster
More On Slopegraphs
More Bayes and multiple comparisons
Comparing Frequentist, Bayesian and Simulation methods and conclusions
Updating to R 3.6.0 on MacOS
ANCOVA Example
CHAID v ranger v xgboost - a comparison
CHAID and caret -- a good combination
Slopegraphs and R - a pleasant diversion
Oneway ANOVA Explanation and Example in R